Last week I finally got around to watching my New York New York DVD, starring Liza Minnelli and Robert DeNiro, and directed by Martin Scorsese. I think the movie is best known for Liza's theme tune, which has gone on to be one of her signature hits and live favourites.
Liza stars as Francine, a singer, who meets Jimmy (DeNiro) a brash saxophonist at a party at the end of the war. The two fall in love and eventually form their own band. However, Francine's star soon outshines Jimmy's and their relationship breaks down. All accompanied by some great musical numbers and some stunning direction. What the movie does lack though, is a plot with enough substance to make warrant the 132 minute running time (I couldn't handle the Director's Cut!!). I got a bit bored I'll admit it. Yes, I know this stars Liza Minnelli! What is wrong with me?

All in all I just felt it could have been a lot better and some of the comedy elements were a bit patchy. Still, I think it's worth a watch, if only for the performances where are decent throughout.
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