Thanks to my favourite TV clip show, The Soup (Monday evenings on E!) I have become re-acquainted with the great Wendy Williams, who famously did that car crash radio interview with Whitney a few years back. Well, Wendy has her own talk show now and I am pleased to find out that it is an absolute train wreck from start to finish! From her trademark catchphrase "How you doin'?" To her inability to even read her lines, The Wendy Williams Show is fastly becoming a Youtube addiction of mine!
Poor Wendy! I love her approach to TV presenting! I particularly love her cue cards! Not to mention her scratching her wig all the time! Check out this brilliant interview - bitch fight alert! I dig the theme tune too. I pray that some low rent channel picks up this gem over here - Diva TV I'm talking to you. I for one wouldn't miss it for the world.
Wendy's wigs are legendary....

When I first saw Wendy - on The Soup! - I thought it was Tyra Banks dressing up as Oprah. I love when she takes time to compose herself by swallowing, licking her lips and spitting out her hair extensions, then going 'okay, sorry, SORRY, sorry, okay I'm sorry' as if patting herself on the back for staying calm.
UK Living ought to start showing Tyra again, followed by Wendy.
The Soup is FABULOUS! And Wendy is a diva after my own heart!
I'm glad I'm not the only one that likes Wendy and The Soup! We should start a petition to get Wendy shown around the globe for the good of humanity!
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