Girls Just Wanna Have Fun X Set You Heart
While I think it could be better, the results aren’t awful. There are new vocals for Girls... and while the two tracks don’t exactly gel seamlessly, it’s not a completely amateur effort. It’s a shame they couldn’t have used the Soulseekerz as they did a similar thing with Evelyn Champagne King’s latest The Dance which was fused with her hit Love Come Down, to magnificent effect.
Into The Nightlife (Freedombunch Mix)
A pretty average effort, but better than some of the 2008 remixes, the mix doesn’t really go anywhere, but it’s lively enough and has quite a European sound to it.
Same Ol’ Story (Pink Noise Mix)
I think this one was on the US digital single; my favourite of the mixes was the Gabriel & Dresden Mix, which was just brilliant. What to say about this one, well to me this is more of a dub, although there are some vocal sections, it’s quite good, but nowhere near the standard of the G&D mix. This is one that’s very obviously for the US market, as opposed to the specially commissioned mixes on here which are probably tailor made for Japanese clubs.
Time After Time (Freedombunch Mix)
This one is pretty decent, it uses the original vocals (and backing vocals) and it’s pretty disco-tastic when it gets going with lots of electronic embellishments that probably could’ve been cut.
Set Your Heart (Freedombunch Mix)
I like vocal remixes, and this is the best of Freedombunch’s mixes for far, the drum beats are different to the original, and it retains the atmospheric verses and climactic chorus of the original, while giving something a bit different at the same time.

High and Mighty (Tom Novy Mix)
This one is quite minimalist, and is pretty cool, perhaps it even improves on the original as it somehow suits the strangeness of the song, more so than the original mix anyway. It’s certainly pretty sophisticated, unlike some of the mixes on here. I’d have a job dancing to it though; it’s more wine bar than dance club.
Into The Nightlife (Johnny Pinkfinger Vs Mihell Remix)
This one puts Cyndi’s vocals though a filter and turns the dancefloor gem into a dark room groover, I can imagine this being played at a dodgy backstreet club in Soho. I like it! In amongst the beats and synths is a Middle Eastern vibe that is quite inventive, unlike most of the mixes of this song.
Same Ol’ Story (Extended Mix)
Does what it says on the tin! Bring back the extended mix, I say! I’d rather have a longer version of my favourite song, than 10 crappy remixes that butcher it mercilessly!
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun X Set Your Heart (Mashup)
This is a vastly better mix of the two songs, they drop the backing track of Girls... and mix both tracks together simply using the instrumental of Set Your Heart which is far less jarring, and a real treat! Highly recommended!
True Colours (Ukawanimation! Ocarina Mega-mix)
Imagine True Colours done Japanese style! We’ve got some serious recorder playing going on here and there are no vocals either so you can sing it at karaoke! Truly bizarre and utterly pointless, but not without some charm.
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